
# Nautilus trash-cli extension

Check out GitHub page: github.com/Kiszczomb/nautilus-trash-cli

Nautilus trash-cli is a simple Python extension for the Nautilus file manager that adds basic integration for trash-cli command line utility to the right-click menu:


There's currently some bug causing trash to not work on mounted btrfs subvolumes. The gio trash command, which Nautilus is using in the background to manage trash command results in error Trashing on system internal mounts is not supported. There is an open issue on Gnome gitlab (#1885), but for now no change in this manner is visible. This script fixes that problem partialy, by using trash-cli instead.

Install Extension

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kiszczomb/nautilus-trash-cli/main/install.sh | bash

Uninstall Extension

rm -f ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/nautilus-trash-cli.py